
In order to make the best use of our time together, please be sure to download the appropriate forms and bring them with you to your first appointment. Your insurance plan must be verified for acupuncture coverage at least 3 days prior your initial session by using the online submission form or by giving us a call.

What to Know Before and After Treatment

It is best not to get acupuncture on an empty stomach and, however, avoid eating a large meal before or after the session. Additionally, for at least several hours before and after your treatment, avoid consuming coffee, drugs, or alcohol (including caffeine).

In Oriental Medicine, the color and texture of the tongue’s coating are crucial diagnostic indicators. Please refrain from brushing your tongue 24 to 48 hours before your appointment.

Your body is still undergoing a process of physiological rebalancing to optimize the treatment effect; take time to relax, avoid intense exercise for several hours after the treatment, and consume plenty of water to promote healing.

We have a online scheduling system that enables you to make, change, and cancel appointments 24 hours/day.


We’ve tried to answer most of the commonly asked questions here.

yes. The FDA mandates that only sterile, non-toxic needles that are designated for single use by licensed Practitioners may be used. Only single-use, disposable needles have ever been used and will ever be used at Elixir Acupouncture.
Reusing needles is unethical, and our workplace has extremely severe policies about needles. Additionally, all acupuncture needles are routinely disposed of in biohazards waste receptacles as required by law.

  1. Wearing comfortable clothes to your appointments that can be easily rolled up to your elbows and knees. If you need back treatments, we can provide you with a gown.
  2. Don’t eat a large meal just before or after your visit, but make sure you have some food in your stomach prior to your treatment (don’t skip breakfast, for example).
  3. Refrain from overexertion and strenuous exercise in the hours after your treatment.
  4. Avoid stressful situations after the treatment.  Make time to relax, and be sure to drink plenty of fluids and rest.
  5. Between visits, take notes of any changes that may have occurred, such as the alleviation of pain or changes in the frequency and type of problems you’re experiencing.
  6. Come with any questions you have—we’re here to help you.

No. You should keep adhering to the advice of your present doctor. However, do let us know what drugs and dietary supplements you’re taking so we can rule out any potential drug-herb interactions. Some plants can even support conventional medical treatments. The body’s requirement for western medications may ultimately decline with frequent herb use.

The adverse effects of acupuncture and herbal treatment are quite rare. After receiving acupuncture or cupping, dehydration might leave you feeling lethargic and sore the next day. After receiving acupuncture, patients frequently report feeling both energetic and calm.

Sometimes the first symptoms get worse for a few days, which is frequently a sign that something is mending. Additionally, patients may experience improvements in their digestion, energy, sleep, or emotions. These are signs that the body is readjusting, or rebalancing.

It does, indeed! A growing number of Western medical professionals and researchers concur that acupuncture is an acceptable and safe treatment option for a variety of clinical ailments. Acupuncture has been formally recognized by the World Health Organization as a successful medical procedure. “There is sufficient evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness to expand its usage into conventional medicine and to stimulate additional investigations of its physiology and therapeutic efficacy,” the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said in support of it in 1997.

We accept cash, checks, credit cards, and HSA card for office visits and co-pays.

Downloadable forms

Patient Information and Forms (PDF) for Download

Be sure to download the appropriate forms, Fill them out and email us at least 2 days prior to your appointment.

New Patient Intake

Please download and fill out the form, feel free to email us the completed form.

Insurance Verification

Your insurance must be verified for at least 3 days prior your initial session by using the online submission form or by giving us a call.

Booking online

Fill out this form for booking online.

We are Located at

4940 Van Nuys Blvd #100 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

What they say about us

Insurance Verification

Fill out this form to Verify you Insurance.