Natural Pain relief through Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Depression

Depression is a very common mental health disorder affecting individuals of all ages, genders, and from all walks of life.

Depression is a prevalent mental health illness characterized by psychological and physical symptoms that can negatively impact one’s normal day-to-day functioning, affecting individuals from all walks of life regardless of age and gender. Regardless of what particular symptoms a depressed patient may exhibit, talk therapy (psychotherapy), antidepressant medicines, or a combination of the two are the most widely used depression treatments in today’s modern medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Depression

Depression does not recognize as a disease in Chinese Medicine; instead, Chinese Medicine can be used to address the various symptoms of depression that each person experiences.

Using acupuncture, Chinese medicines, and tai chi exercise to restore balance in the body and facilitate the circulation and movement of blood and vital energy or Qi (Chee) through a series of pathways called meridians and provide nourishment for every cell, tissue, organ, and gland.

The Benefits of the Acupuncture for Individuals Suffering from Depression

Acupuncture is considered to alleviate depression by stimulating the nerve system, which affects the brain’s mood chemistry by boosting serotonin synthesis, hence promoting improved mental and physical health. Studies have demonstrated that stimulating specific acupuncture sites can alter parts of the brain that reduce tension and pain and boost calm by deactivating the ‘analytical’ part of the brain responsible for anxiety.

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