Acupuncture for Addiction

Auricular Acupuncture for Addiction
Acupuncture for Addiction

The term “addiction” can have many meanings to many individuals. For our purpose, addiction manifests as a psychological and uncontrollable craving to use alcohol, as well as other drugs and nicotine (smoking), regardless of the harm they do to oneself or others.

Addiction and the Brain

The brain is the organ most harmed by excessive drug use, although it affects many other regions of the body as well. Addiction changes the chemistry of a person’s brain. The brain releases a lot of dopamine when someone uses drugs or alcohol, which activates the brain’s reward center. The brain cannot manufacture normal dopamine levels after frequent drug usage. This implies that when they are not using drugs or alcohol, addicted persons may find it challenging to pleasure enjoyable activities like spending time with friends or family. However, acupuncture offers new hope to those who suffer from harmful addictions.

We know that the road to rehabilitation is frequently arduous and lengthy, and the path can differ from person to person. It also requires consistent effort and self-care. Acupuncture services at Elixir Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Center, on the other hand, can provide you with a foundation for recovery and social rehabilitation and an encouraging component in your route to recovery. 

Acupuncture aims to treat addiction by needling specific points on the skin of the auricle (external ear) related to the body’s organs. When these points are stimulated, they help to replenish the organs and detoxification. 

In the case of addiction, however, stimulation of specific acupuncture points can help suppress withdrawal symptoms, enhance feelings of relaxation, higher levels of optimism about recovery, fewer cravings, reduced anxiety, and better sleep. Our services can also be utilized to enhance the release of endorphins, therefore reducing tension, stress, and even pain


Auriculotherapy is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the ancient system of medicine that works with the body’s own healing systems. It is safe, effective, and free of harmful side effects. Those who have attempted to quit using addictive substances at least once are well aware of how difficult and emotionally exhausting withdrawal can be. The symptoms vary from person to person and can range from minor to severe. Sleeplessness, irritability, mood changes, anxiety, nausea, and aches are some of the most typical symptoms. In more extreme cases, depression or even paranoia, as well as confusion, may appear.
If you have an addiction issue, acupuncture that works can provide you with a variety of therapy choices that can be beneficial

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