Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
& Microneedeling

Curious to know what Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture is?

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture has been practiced in China for thousands of years and is widespread worldwide, and facial acupuncture is an extension of traditional Acupuncture. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture is an ancient practice used to treat a wide range of diseases. Facial Acupuncture, like traditional Acupuncture, offers several advantages and has been used to improve the appearance of your skin and function by promoting the circulation of the qi through the body. The purpose of Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture is to stimulate collagen formation. Continue reading to learn more about Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture and how acupuncture for wrinkles works.

Facial Acupuncture: Benefits, How does it work?

As people age, natural collagen production begins to slow, and cell structures weaken. Skin can lose elasticity and become thinner and looser. Loss of collagen results in the formation of wrinkles. When you turn 30, your body starts to lose collagen; after a few years, the effects become noticeable. Even though this is a routine procedure, it’s possible to speed it up along with other outside influences, such as sunlight, poor diet, bad habits, and pollution can result in those dreaded wrinkles. Although there are numerous options for reducing wrinkles’ appearance, many are expensive, invasive, or do not produce the desired results.

Regarding treatments that will minimize the wrinkles’ appearance, Ideally, most individuals seek far less invasive procedures that require little to no downtime to return to their hectic lives. Facial acupuncture can offer longer-lasting outcomes if utilized regularly. It is a natural, risk-free, and practical alternative to surgery and other cosmetic treatments like Botox to assist in slowing the signs of aging.

Naturally, strengthen your skin

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture, or Facial Rejuvenation, is a great treatment choice to optimize your skin naturally. It involves gently inserting ultra-fine, single-use needles in specific areas of the face and body to help treat all the imbalances within the body that may be leading to how your skin looks on the outside and also create positive micro-trauma to the skin. Your body goes into the mood of repair upon detecting these wounds. These beneficial microtraumas activate the lymphatic and circulatory systems, boosting skin cell renewal. Additionally, it will stimulate collagen and elastin production, making the skin more resilient and flexible, helping to firm the skin and reduce fine lines. It helps reduce bags and sagging around the eyes, face, jowls (double chin), and neck through treatments. After your treatments, you can expect your skin to feel smoother, brighter, and energized.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture vs. Botox
Botox is the brand name of an injectable medication composed of Clostridium botulinum toxin, also known as a neurotoxin. It works by blocking the nerve signal to the muscle that stimulates the muscle to contract. The toxin helps the muscles become temporary paralysis, reducing unwanted wrinkles in only a few months. This effect can last about 3-6 months. Some patients report headaches and drooping as a side effect of Botox injection. Facial acupuncture for wrinkles is a natural alternative to Botox and does not include injecting any sort of toxin bacteria. Instead of weakening the facial muscles, facial rejuvenation acupuncture stimulates cell production and blood flow while increasing collagen synthesis and elastin secretion. As a result, it naturally reduces the appearance of wrinkles and improves the skin’s firmness. Bruising at the needling site is the most prevalent side effect, affection fewer than 15% of patients.
Who is a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Wrinkle Treatment?

Treatment isn’t necessary for wrinkles, but it’s an option if you want to enhance your appearance. Anyone who has wrinkles can undergo treatment if they want to. The most common age group that seeks treatment to reduce wrinkles are people after the age of 30 and above. As they transition from their 30s to their 40s to their 50s and beyond, people notice changes in their skin.
In their 30s, cell turnover slows down, and skin does not renew as often; however, wrinkles may not be visible yet, Dermis begins to lose some volume and bounce, elastin in the skin starts to become looser, and skin loses its firmness.
In their 40s, oil production decrease, dark pigmentation may appear due to environmental damage, and deeper expression lines become visible.

In their 50s, earlier sun damage is now visible, age spots may form, and in women, hormonal changes happen with estrogen decreasing and androgen increasing, which may result in acne.
In their 60s, 70s, and beyond, less oil production contributes to skin dryness, and skin becomes dryer and most fragile. In women, hormonal fluctuations from menopause are over, and starting period of stability for the skin. Genetic predisposition to certain skin types can cause pigmentation, bags under the eyes, and a double chin.

You can get wrinkle treatment if you don’t like how wrinkles look on your skin. The Treatment smooths your skin and reduces wrinkles, giving you a youthful appearance.

It is never too early for those who want to start cosmetic facial acupuncture for anti-aging skin care.

Why Do I Get Body Acupuncture to Improve My Face?

Acupuncture for the body treats the internal causes of aging and organ imbalances that frequently manifest on the face. If your body has a poor blood circulation, poking needles into your face will improve circulation locally and allow you to receive more blood and oxygen, but not cause your body to create more blood. We must treat both your body and your face simultaneously to make your bodies stronger so that your faces will benefit.

Benefits of Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture for Patients:
  • Increase collagen production and elasticity to firm the skin
  • Reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Improve muscle tone
  • Tightens pores
  • Improve skin texture
  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Restoration of symmetry
  • Reduce acne, redness, and discoloration
  • Reduce dark circles, and puffiness around the eyes
  • Resolves hormonal imbalances affecting the skin
  • Slow the aging process
  • Improve digestion
  • Deep relaxation

However, the benefits of facial acupuncture can extend far beyond mere esthetics. Condition like: Treating Neuromuscular Facial Condition:

  • Bell’s palsy
  • Facial paralysis from stroke
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Shingles
  • Hemifacial spasm
  • MS
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Ptosis
  • Reduce TMJ and jaw issues
Who Should NOT Have Cosmetic Acupuncture?
It is contraindicated in the following conditions:
  • Not recommended for people who have recently received Botox treatments as it will cause Botox to wear off faster. However, it is a fantastic complement to cosmetic surgery.
  • Migraine headaches
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • High blood pressure
  • During pregnancy
  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy
  • Coronary disease
  • Individuals with pacemakers
  • Hemophiliacs
  • Tend to bleed
  • Low platelet count
  • Tend to bruise easily
  • Blood thinners
  • During a cold or flu or any acute infection
  • During an allergic attack
  • During an acute herpes outbreak

The use of small suction cups or a jade gua sha tool to gently stimulate the face, jawline, and neck skin. Facial jade Gua Sha is a fantastic method for naturally lifting the skin, detoxifying the skin, move lymphatic fluids resulting in improved blood flow, less puffiness, and leaving glowing skin!

8 Reasons to Gua Sha
  • Improve Circulation 
  • Improve Lymph Drainage
  • Improve Skin Vitality and Maintain Beauty
  • Increase Absorption Skincare Products
  • Increase Collagen and Elastin Production
  • Oxygenate the Skin
  • Reduce Puffiness
  • Relax Facial Tension
Benefits of Facial Acupuncture / Gua Sha
  • Bring Qi and Blood circulation to the skin, which boosts fibroblast activity and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • Facial cupping and gua sha can help to release nerves caught in tight fascial tissue,
  • Relaxes tense fascia
  • Move out stagnant fluids, lymph, and toxins,
  • Enhances facial vascular integrity.
  • Movement of inflammation as in Rosacea.
  • Facial cupping and facial Gua sha are included in the treatment to complete the protocols.
  • The treatment does not involve any Botox or any foreign material injection and is suitable for both women and men. Anti-aging Cosmetic Acupuncture is cost effective, painless, healthier, and safer than other kinds of treatments
Most Common Questions

Each treatment usually takes around 60-90 minutes.

Because acupuncture uses hair-thin needles, you probably won’t experience any pain during a session.

  • Treatment plan twice a week for six weeks / once a week for 12 weeks
  • Maintenance- Once a month
  • Refresher- Once a year, a repeat course

You may experience light bruising and tingling where the needles were inserted, but this should disappear within a day.

  • Everyone is unique. Your requirements can be discussed during your initial consultation and based on how your skin responds.
  • It is recommended that you get 12-15 treatments depending on the patient’s severity and age.
  • We always recommend that patients remain consistent with their sessions to ensure sustained results.

Within the 28-day skin cell regrowth cycle, however, there will be able to see some effect 2-3 days following treatment


As individuals get older, it’s comforting to know that there are numerous options for removing wrinkles and improving the appearance of sagging skin. Plastic surgery, however, does not work for many people due to the downtime necessary for a full recovery and the expensive expense. Although Botox has been proven to work, many patients are hesitant to inject a toxin into their muscles for only a few months of wrinkle reduction. Acupuncture for wrinkles requires no recovery time and has a low risk of adverse effects. In contrast to Botox, it offers a holistic, long-term solution by stimulating the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin to reduce wrinkles and tighten skin. Talk to a TCM practitioner about face rejuvenation acupuncture as a natural alternative to plastic surgery and Botox if you want to appear younger, have fewer wrinkles, and have firmer skin.

Microneedling & Facial Acupuncture

The body is incredible, and its self-healing ability keeps us thriving. The body’s natural processes deteriorate and become unbalanced as you age. Here, acupuncture and micro-needling employ the same fundamental idea of using tiny needle pricks to activate the body’s natural healing and repair processes to remain balanced.

What is Microneedling?
Micro-needling is a cosmetic procedure that stimulates collagen production, also known as collagen induction therapy, by inserting thin sterilized needles into the epidermis, creating microchannels. The pinpricks from the process cause minor wound to the skin and cause the skin to make newer collagen and elastin-rich tissue, which heals your skin, reduce the appearance of scars and dark spots, improve skin elasticity, and help you look younger. In addition, serums applied to the skin are assimilated significantly faster (up to 1000%).

Targeted areas for microneedling
  • Microneedling is often used on the face but can also be done on other body areas, such as your stomach or thighs.

  • The procedure usually takes 10-30 minutes, depending on the area’s size.
  • Most people need 4-6 treatments for the best results.
  • First, a numbing lotion will be applied to your face to prevent you from feeling the needle pricks. The microneedling practitioner will next move a pen-sharped or rolling tool with tiny needles around your face.

  • The overall costs depend on the size of the area being worked on, the number of sessions needed, and the professional’s specific rate.
  • It’s typically not covered by insurance since microneedle is considered a cosmetic or aesthetic procedure.
Microneedling Healing and Risks
Consider the following before deciding to try it:
  • Healing time: Depending on how deeply the needles enter your skin, the wound may take days or weeks to heal.
  • There is no fast fix: the change is not immediately apparent. This is due to your body’s natural healing process. Most patients require several sessions before they see any improvement.
  • After microneedling treatment: you may have some minor pain after the procedure, and your skin may seem pink or slightly red, similar to a light sunburn. This usually goes away after 12 to 24 hours.
  • Peeling: Your skin may feel tight and flake a bit while it heals.

If you have any of the following conditions, you may not be a good candidate for microneedling:

  • Possible scarring: Microneedling is not recommended for patients with Keloids, scars that look like large bubbles on the skin, and may worsen the condition.
  • Have a certain skin condition, such as Psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, or active acne or warts, herps when in doubt , look it up!
  • Have had radiation therapy recently
  • Have open wounds or active acne
  • Pregnancy
Dont do Microneedeling

Aftercare what patients can expect:

  • No exercise (sweat can irritate the face)
  • No makeup day of
  • No sun day of
  • Do not wash face with facial soap
  • May have pinpoint bleeding
  • Cannot do more than once a month
  • Back to your facial routine tomorrow
Benefit of Micro Needeling
Little downtime
Low Risk & Effective
Reduces stretch marks
Improves acne scars
Decrease hair loss & eyebrows!
Natural Collagen production
Improve wrinkle on the Neck
Long term result
30 minutes treatment
4-6 treatments Once a month
Micro Needling Versus Cosmetic Acupuncture
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